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Effects of children and student’s exposure to social media

Effects of children and student’s exposure to social media: With the rapid rate at which children and students are growing and their access to various digital and technological devices has little or no restrictions added to it, it is quite obvious that social media is now a tool that is been used by anyone and everyone regardless of your age and gender which has both its pros and cons attributed to it which can positively or negatively affect a student/child’s life.

(Social media is an internet-based form of communication. Social media platforms allow users to have conversations, share information and create web content. There are many forms of social media, including blogs, micro-blogs, wikis, social networking sites, photo-sharing sites, instant messaging, video-sharing sites, podcasts, widgets, virtual worlds, and more.)

In this article you will learn some of the pros/cons or advantages and disadvantages of students exposure to social media; Effects of children and student’s exposure to social media


1. It increases students chances of employment:

one of the benefits of
Social media is that it can also help children or even students learn technical skills which will increase their chances of getting employment in the nearest future. Spending a lot of time on social media can expose students to certain technical skills such as coding and crypto currency which will inadvertently create a means of livelihood for them.

2. It aids creativity:
Spending a lot of time on social media can expose students to different forms of creative arts such as story telling/writing, painting, drawing, photography social media management, podcasting and other forms of creative work are prominent and well embraced on social media which could inspire students to gain more knowledge and increase their mode of creative thinking.

3. It helps the students to stay informed and updated:
One of the most common ways of disseminating information is through social media. Students and teachers and other stakeholders tend to communicate and pass information across easily without going through any form of stress.


1. It is addictive:
One of the most addictive sites on the internet are the social networking site which ranges from Facebook to Twitter, Instagram, Quora, and lots more. These social media sites could be so addictive that anyone could easily get carried away and loose track of time or become so engrossed in it thereby disrupting their normal daily life.

2. It is distracting:
Although using social media could help students to create certain relationships and bond with their peers and teachers, it could also lead to distractions as students tend to get exposed to also connecting or chatting with people or establishing unprofitable relationships with people they meet online.

3. It tends to expose the students to certain immoral acts or other forms of indiscipline:

Students or children who gets exposed to the ills of social media at a very young or tender age tend to pick up certain illicit/immoral acts that could encourage them to go astray since they do not have the complete knowledge of what is right from wrong.

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Author: Semira Ayeni.

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